Alena Vladimirskaya: “No need to drag children into the outgoing world!”

Where to go to study is a question that arises more often in parents than in children. Especially recently. Modern children have grown in abundance: the value of money is devalued. Therefore, you have to start working earlier. Where to find a job, why parents do not need to put pressure on the children, and how to help them decide on the life of life, we talked with the founder of the HR-service “Anti-Strania” Alena Vladimir.

Psychologies: Graduates cannot decide on the future profession. Parents in a panic, is it worth worrying?

Alena Vladimir: When my parents come to me, I first of all ask: tell me, please, if you were at 15, 16, 17, they said: you can travel around the world completely calmly, you would have been abandoned remotely, which you have enough for your life, you would refuse? You would go to plow at the factory or in the accounting department, sit for 9-10 hours, listen to nausea maryannna in order to make no one you need signs? No!

This is actually the first installation for parents: we are huge well done. We raised the first generation that feels that it is in demand, adapts the world for itself. Technologies also change the world, so now there is a lot of remote work for which they are quite decent paid. And let’s praise yourself, not scold children.

How to choose a profession for a child?

The world is changing rapidly, and therefore the professions that were in demand a few years ago lose their positions. We want the best children, but, relying on our experience, we only inhibit their development. We proceed from which professions are now very in demand or were in demand five to seven years ago, but we must proceed from the future.

A large number of professions that always provided a true piece of bread gradually leave. A classic example is an accountant profession. She is now gradually automated. This also includes a lawyer, cashier, seller, taxi driver – all this will be eaten by automation for five years. Therefore, if you wish children happiness, do not drag them into the outgoing world and in those professions that seem correct to you. In the near future, completely different professions will be in demand.

Which professions are most promising for today’s graduates?

First of all, this is all related to robotics, it and programming. Another thing associated with innovative medicine, agro and artificial intelligence. Specialties can be different, but general areas – these.

When and how to start to cared for children?

It makes sense to start from 10. I offer an algorithm for career guidance by age. Up to 12 years, the main task of parents is to show the child a variety of professions. Now there are many opportunities for this: mugs, museums, activity of the “Experimentary” type, online education. No need to scold the child if he starts something and throws. For this age, breadth is important, the child must find out and try as much as possible. And if he is not interested in and he throws it, this is not necessary, as it was in our childhood – we wrote you to a music school, that’s how you want 7 years to suffer.

If you do not interfere, then, as a rule, by the age of 12, 2-3 are the direction interesting to the child. This, of course, is not yet a profession, not a industry, only a direction: for example, I am interested in computer games, drawing, biology.

From 12 to 16 years old, the main authority of the child is a strong adult, but not a parent. This is the age of protest. Therefore, the main task of parents is to find a person who will become such an authority. It was always so. Many went to biology because the school was a cool, charismatic biology teacher. Familiar, friends enthusiastic about the profession, all kinds of circles, activity – the child must find an authority for himself, which will “drag him” further into the profession.

At 16-17, the teenager understands what he wants. Then he needs to help with the choice of a university, money and other resources.

Parents are often worried and worried, I myself was worried – I had such a situation – when children throw the institute. I tried, not that, I quit, let’s stop perceiving it as a tragedy. This is mistake. We forgive ourselves much more serious mistakes, such as divorce. Well, it didn’t work. But the wrong choice of profession for some reason is perceived as a tragedy. Let’s not perceive it as a disaster. We live longer, and for life you can make several quarries. Well, this choice will happen later, next year, nothing to worry about.

Now there are many programs and courses for career guidance, including very expensive. Is there any meaning in them?

There are courses that I trust, there are those that I do not trust. I do not believe in all magic pills: career guidance on fingerprint, on the retina – this, by the way, is a real case. I believe that you can arouse the teenager’s interest in those professions to which he is more inclined. For example, a teenager comes and says: I don’t know what I want to do. But I like to draw and I love the computer. Here you can tell him what professions exist at the junction.

And if he comes and says: “I don’t want anything”?

This is most often a reaction to parents, which means that they “stabbed”, twitched, memorized. Here you just need to talk, ask, – what you love. The main thing is that there is no mother nearby. Because often mothers bring children and stand behind them – I know better! And this is a completely deadly situation. And if you manage to talk with a teenager alone, then after a few hours he opens. And it turns out that he wants a lot, likes it, interesting. But parents insist: you must be something. And the child is completely lost. He needs to show that there are such things, but there are such. And it turns out he loves a lot.

Do computer tests and career guidance programs work?

So far, artificial intelligence has not yet reached such a level as to determine. I think it makes sense to use tests only in combination with consultations with a specialist. Several full -time meetings will help to find out what the child is predisposed to. If you live in a small city and you do not have the opportunity to meet a consultant personally, you can use Skype.

The main skill of a person of the future is adaptability, the ability to constantly learn. Unfortunately, our universities do not teach this

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